Flavor explanation

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This page explains the flavor naming convention stepping stone AG uses.

Naming convention

Naming convention - Specifications

The flavor name contains three vital pieces of information:

- The host aggregate
- The number of CPUs
- The amount of Memory (in GiB)

Naming convention - Host aggregates

These host aggregates exist:

- Developer Düdingen
- Standard Düdingen
- Standard Windows Düdingen
- Standard Düdingen South
- Standard Düdingen North
- Enterprise Düdingen

The number of CPUs is prefixed with the character c and padded with 0s to a total of 3 decimal digits. The amount of Memory is expressed in GiB. It is prefixed with the character m and padded with 0s to a total of 3 decimal digits.

Here is an example for a flavor with two CPUs and 4 GiB of RAM in the "Standard Düdingen" host aggregate:

Standard Düdingen c002m0004

Naming convention - Sceduling properties

We have defined a custom scheduling property called vm_quality_class. It represents the quality classes we offer: "developer", "standard" and "enterprise". This property is added to host aggregates and flavors. When scheduling VMs, the AggregateInstanceExtraSpecsFilter schedule filter will match VMs to VM Nodes accordingly.