"ri-arrow-up-line">OpenStack CLI=
The OpenStack CLI is the easiest way to create a Kubernetes cluster from your terminal directly. You can use the openstack coe cluster create
command to create a Kubernetes cluster with the Cluster API driver for Magnum.
Before you get started, you'll have to make sure that you have the cluster templates you want to use available in your environment. You can create them using the OpenStack CLI:
export OS_DISTRO=ubuntu # you can change this to "flatcar" if you want to use Flatcar
for version in v1.24.16 v1.25.12 v1.26.7 v1.27.4; do \
[[ "${OS_DISTRO}" == "ubuntu" ]] && IMAGE_NAME="ubuntu-2204-kube-${version}" || IMAGE_NAME="flatcar-kube-${version}"; \
curl -LO https://object-storage.public.mtl1.vexxhost.net/swift/v1/a91f106f55e64246babde7402c21b87a/magnum-capi/${IMAGE_NAME}.qcow2; \
openstack image create ${IMAGE_NAME} --disk-format=qcow2 --container-format=bare --property os_distro=${OS_DISTRO} --file=${IMAGE_NAME}.qcow2; \
openstack coe cluster template create \
--image $(openstack image show ${IMAGE_NAME} -c id -f value) \
--external-network public \
--dns-nameserver \
--master-lb-enabled \
--master-flavor m1.medium \
--flavor m1.medium \
--network-driver calico \
--docker-storage-driver overlay2 \
--coe kubernetes \
--label kube_tag=${version} \