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This page describes the process of creating a virtual machine (VM) either via [https://dashboard.stoney-cloud.com dashboard] or command line interface (CLI).
This page describes the process of creating a virtual machine (VM) either via [https://dashboard.stoney-cloud.com dashboard] or command line interface (CLI).

The following manuals are laid out for Ubuntu.
The following manuals are laid out for Windows.

Line 23: Line 23:
After logging into the [https://dashboard.stoney-cloud.com/ dashboard], click on your user name in the upper right corner and choose the menu option «OpenStack RC File v3» and save it the desired location on your local machine. As you can have multiple OpenRC files, we recommend to use a sub directory. For example <code>openrc</code> in your home directory.
After logging into the [https://dashboard.stoney-cloud.com/ dashboard], click on your user name in the upper right corner and choose the menu option «OpenStack RC File v3» and save it the desired location on your local machine. As you can have multiple OpenRC files, we recommend to use a sub directory. For example <code>openrc</code> in your home directory.


Source the OpenRC file specific to this project (use single quotation marks to avoid problems with spaces in the file name):
Source the OpenRC file specific to this project (use single quotation marks to avoid problems with spaces in the file name):
Line 95: Line 95:
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
# List all available flavors
# List all available flavors
openstack flavor list --column Name --column ID | tail -n+3 | head -n-1 | sort -k3 -t'|'
openstack flavor list --column Name --column ID | tail -n+3 | head -n-1 | sort -k3 -t'|' | grep Windows

# Set the flavor ID, default: Standard Düdingen c001m0004 (719c82d4-df94-47fc-a7df-f18d5c6d3727).   
# Set the flavor ID, default: Standard Düdingen c001m0004 (719c82d4-df94-47fc-a7df-f18d5c6d3727).   
Line 133: Line 133:
We can list the available images using the openstack-cli - we search for Ubuntu:
We can list the available images using the openstack-cli - we search for Ubuntu:
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
openstack image list | grep "Ubuntu"  
openstack image list | grep "Windows"  
Expected output:
Expected output:
<syntaxhighlight lang='text'>
<syntaxhighlight lang='text'>
| 0ebe72db-55cf-4caa-ac47-a08994e7f163 | Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) Daily Build [20210210]    | active |
| 053129aa-48b5-40d2-8784-7215fcc62d48 | Windows Server 2012R2 import                                                | active |
| 18d38120-873e-4902-850d-ce7be3a62d93 | Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) Daily Build [20210323]    | active |
| 1004d7c3-da11-404b-bfa7-9f7df18f1966 | Windows Server 2016 Standard                                                | active |
| 50735f95-4963-4994-9c65-dac44773977b | Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) Daily Build [20220616] | active |
| a68f3f5f-db1f-4610-9931-cb3adf887b8d | Windows Server 2016 Standard (deprecated)                                   | active |
| 9868a8b8-4953-4d16-a078-ba7238fa0a1d | Windows Server 2019 Standard                                                | active |
| 4c56a79b-a2f5-47be-9de0-ce808f5b77cc | Windows Server 2019 Standard - Private                                      | active |
| 3f9bfb18-a263-4e2e-9555-dea8d12bb6ae | Windows Server 2022 Standard (20230928): Primary disk /dev/vda (C:\)        | active |
| 93a888a4-abb7-408b-8976-969718a7e5a7 | Windows Server 2022 Standard (deprecated)                                   | active |

We set the ID of the image and the size of the disk as variables for later use.
We set the ID of the image and the size of the disk as variables for later use.
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
# Set the Image ID used for the first volume (Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) Daily Build [20220616])
# Set the Image ID used for the first volume (Windows Server 2022 Standard (20230928): Primary disk /dev/vda (C:\))

# Size for the first volume in GiB
# Size for the first volume in GiB
Line 201: Line 206:

== VM Creation - One-Disk Setup - VM creation ==
== VM Creation - One-Disk Setup - VM creation ==
We create a configuration file. In it, we can define the hostname of the server as well as commands that will be ran on startup.
We can create the server using the <code>openstack server create</code> command:
We also add our ssh public keys to this file.
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
# Create a folder for the cloud-init files.
mkdir -p ${HOME}/openstack
The following command creates a cloud-config file in <code>${HOME}/openstack/${hostname}.cloud-init</code>. '''Replace''' the '''ssh public keys''' with your own!
'''IMPORTANT: The newest Ubuntu Version does not accept ssh-rsa and ssh-dss keys by default. We must use a ed25519 key!'''
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
cat <<EOF > ${HOME}/openstack/${hostname}.cloud-init
hostname: ${hostname}
fqdn: ${hostname}.${domain}
- [ ln, "--symbolic", "--force", "../usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Zurich", "/etc/localtime" ]
- "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIAQpBvIVaGryODNUG0MzqSIUy6TM8fasewZUEMVyFpmN alain.sinzig@stepping-stone.ch"
- "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGusGXrY+UgTHH66YKS/o0vzUxnHVjoMzp0GnbatBzFb wahid.amiry@stepping-stone.ch"
- "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIMIHnEB/9uqcJ4P+i6kMrfjt11HBnmgbDodHh5zqEXAa fabian.zoffel@stepping-stone.ch"
- "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAICK+4kHiDYdb2CzvY9CTLiWpJ33c0cyDP+sZJUlvc3+N niklaus.hofer@stepping-stone.ch"
- "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKb6iBxDn/IPnuHU81HPxaw9Gp/coE27C2Y9n12K8K0p yannick.denzer@stepping-stone.ch"
- "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIHSTJu9OiQLi+kwfg77mVuzs7V5ildZL0b/u5PquQ01w michael.eichenberger@stepping-stone.ch"
The script links the correct time zone to <code>/etc/localtime</code> and adds the public keys.
Review the cloud-init file:
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
${EDITOR} ${HOME}/openstack/${hostname}.cloud-init
Finally, we can create the server using the <code>openstack server create</code> command:
Line 246: Line 218:
         --security-group "${default_security_group_id}" \
         --security-group "${default_security_group_id}" \
         --security-group "${ssh_security_group_id}" \
         --security-group "${ssh_security_group_id}" \
        --user-data ${HOME}/openstack/${hostname}.cloud-init \
         --column id \
         --column id \
         --format value \
         --format value \
Line 284: Line 255:

== VM Creation - One-Disk Setup - Floating IP ==
== VM Creation - One-Disk Setup - VM Login ==
Log in to the stoney cloud [https://dashboard.stoney-cloud.com/dashboard dashboard] with the credentials you have received from us.
[[File:Debian VM Creation Dashboard manual 01.png|600px]]

Create a floating IP:
1. Select the appropriate project from the drop down menu at the top left.
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
2. On the <code>Project</code> tab, open the <code>Compute tab</code> and click <code>Instances</code> category.
    openstack floating ip create \
        --column id \
        --format value \

Get the IP-Adress of the newly created VM and output it:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
    openstack floating ip show \
        --column floating_ip_address \
        --format value \
echo ${floating_ip}

Assign that floating IP to the newly created VM:
3. Click on the instance name of your VM
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
openstack server add floating ip \
    "${server_id}" \

== VM Creation - One-Disk Setup - VM Login ==
Finally, you can connect to your newly created VM:
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
ssh ubuntu@${floating_ip}

Expected output:
Enter the <code>console</code> tab and set a new administrator password.
<syntaxhighlight lang='text'>
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:lviEBYSl+ij7KJmKxmsDzkkPjgUCA9K4hB+3ES0LSn8.
This key is not known by any other names
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Welcome to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.15.0-39-generic x86_64)


To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
Finally, you can connect to your newly created VM by using xfreerdp:
See "man sudo_root" for details.

<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
xfreerdp --ignore-certificate --plugin cliprdr -g 1440x900 -u Administrator@PROD-RMA -p $password

== VM Creation - One-Disk Setup - Checks ==
== VM Creation - One-Disk Setup - Checks ==
Become root:
To verify that the VM got set up correctly start PowerShell as Administrator and run these commands:
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
sudo -i

Check if the correct image was selected:
Check if the correct image was selected:  
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">
# Check the OS
systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" /C:"OS Version"
cat /etc/os-release
<syntaxhighlight lang='text'>
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 22.04 LTS"
OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Standard                                                     
OS Version:               10.0.20348 N/A Build 20348
VERSION="22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)"

Check if the disks are mounted correctly:
Check if the disks are mounted correctly:  
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">
# Check the block devices
<syntaxhighlight lang='text'>
loop0    7:0    0 61.9M  1 loop /snap/core20/1518
loop1    7:1    0 79.9M  1 loop /snap/lxd/22923
loop2    7:2    0  47M  1 loop /snap/snapd/16010
vda    252:0    0  10G  0 disk
├─vda1  252:1    0  9.9G  0 part /
├─vda14 252:14  0    4M  0 part
└─vda15 252:15  0  106M  0 part /boot/efi
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
# Check the disks
df -h
<syntaxhighlight lang='text'>
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">
Filesystem     Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
Number Friendly Name Serial Number                    HealthStatus        OperationalStatus     Total Size Partition Style                                                                                                                    ------ ------------- -------------                    ------------        -----------------      ---------- ---------- 0     
tmpfs          393M 1016K  392M  1% /run
Red Hat Vi... 1f4afc6e-be44-4c29-b                    Healthy              Online                20 GB      MBR      
/dev/vda1      9.6G  1.4G  8.2G  15% /
tmpfs          2.0G    0  2.0G  0% /dev/shm
tmpfs          5.0M    0  5.0M  0% /run/lock
/dev/vda15     105M  5.3M  100M  5% /boot/efi
tmpfs          393M  4.0K  393M  1% /run/user/1000

Check if you selected the correct flavour:
Check if you selected the correct flavour:  
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">
# Check the numbers cpus
(Get-CimInstance Win32_PhysicalMemory | Measure-Object -Property capacity -Sum).sum /1gb
(Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem).NumberOfLogicalProcessors
<syntaxhighlight lang='text'>
<syntaxhighlight lang="powershell">
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
# Check the amount of RAM
free -h
<syntaxhighlight lang='text'>
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache  available
Mem:          3.8Gi      193Mi      3.3Gi      0.0Ki      331Mi      3.4Gi
Swap:            0B          0B          0B

|-|VM creation Dashboard=
|-|VM creation Dashboard=

== Overview ==
= Login via Dashboard =
This page describes the steps for creating a Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) VM via horizon Dashboard.
Log in to the stoney cloud [https://dashboard.stoney-cloud.com/dashboard dashboard] with the credentials you have received from us.  

== VM Creation ==
[[File:Debian VM Creation Dashboard manual 01.png|600px]]
=== VM Creation - Login via Dashboard ===
Log in to the stoney cloud [https://dashboard.stoney-cloud.com/dashboard dashboard] with the credentials you have received from us.

[[File:Debian VM Creation Dashboard manual 01.png|400px]]
= Launch Instance - Preperations =
=== VM Creation - Launch Instance - Preperations ===
1. Select the appropriate project from the drop down menu at the top left.
1. Select the appropriate project from the drop down menu at the top left.

Line 427: Line 326:
4. Click <code>Launch Instance</code>.
4. Click <code>Launch Instance</code>.

[[File:Debian VM Creation Dashboard manual 02.png|800px]]
[[File:Windows VM Creation Dashboard manual 02.png|600px]]

5. A dialog box opens. Specify the values as follows:
5. A dialog box opens. Specify the values as follows:
* '''Instance Name''': Assign a name to the virtual machine.
* '''Instance Name''': Assign a name to the virtual machine.
* Click <code>Source</code> tab and chose '''Image''' in '''Select Boot Source'''.
* Click <code>Source</code> tab and chose '''Image''' in '''Select Boot Source'''.
* Type '''Ubuntu''' in the search bar below and allocate the image 'Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) Daily Build [20220616]' from the image list by clicking the arrow pointing up.
* Type '''Windows''' in the search bar below and allocate the image 'Windows Server 2019 Standard' from the image list by clicking the arrow pointing up.
[[File:Ubuntu VM Creation Dashboard manual 01.png|600px]]
[[File:Windows Creation Dashboard manual 03.png|600px]]

* Click <code>Flavour</code> tab and allocate the desired Flavour (For example: Standard Düdingen c001m0002) from the list below by clicking the arrow pointing up.  
* Click <code>Flavour</code> tab and allocate the desired Flavour (For example: Standard Düdingen c001m0002) from the list below by clicking the arrow pointing up.  
[[File:Debian VM Creation Dashboard manual 04.png|500px]]
[[File:Windows Creation Dashboard manual 04.png|600px]]

* Click <code>Security Groups</code> and allocate the security group '''SSH Client''' from the list below by clicking the arrow pointing up.  
* Click <code>Networks</code> and allocate the network '''internal''' from the list below by clicking the arrow pointing up.  
[[File:Debian VM Creation Dashboard manual 05.png|500px]]
[[File:Windows Creation Dashboard manual 05.png|600px]]

=== VM Creation - Launch Instance - Add Public Key ===
* Click <code>Security Groups</code> and allocate the security group '''RDP World''' from the list below by clicking the arrow pointing up.
The newest Ubuntu Version does not accept ssh-rsa and ssh-dss keys by default. '''You must use a ed25519 key!'''
[[File:Windows Creation Dashboard manual 06.png|600px]]

Click <code>Configuration</code> tab and paste the following into the '''Customization Script (Modified)''' field. Replace the ssh public key with your own.
Click<code>Launch Instance</code> to create the VM. After no more than a minute the VM is created and listed in the <code>Instances</code> page.
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
'''Bild einfügen'''
#!/usr/bin/env sh
cat << EOF >> /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGusGXrY+UgTHH66YKS/o0vzUxnHVjoMzp0GnbatBzFb wahid.amiry@stepping-stone.ch

[[File:Ubuntu VM Creation Dashboard manual 02.png|600px]]
= VM Login =

Click<code>Launch Instance</code> to create the VM. After no more than a minute the VM is created and listed in the <code>Instances</code> page.
Log in to the stoney cloud [https://dashboard.stoney-cloud.com/dashboard dashboard] with the credentials you have received from us.  

[[File:Ubuntu VM Creation Dashboard manual 03.png|800px]]
[[File:Debian VM Creation Dashboard manual 01.png|600px]]

=== VM Creation - Floating IP ===
1. Select the appropriate project from the drop down menu at the top left.
In the<code>Instances</code> page go to the '''Actions''' column on the top right and select '''Associate Floating IP'''.

[[File:Ubuntu VM Creation Dashboard manual 04.png|600px]]
2. On the <code>Project</code> tab, open the <code>Compute tab</code> and click <code>Instances</code> category.

A dialog box appears. Select an available IP address and click on '''Associate''' to assign a Floating IP to the VM

[[File:Ubuntu VM Creation Dashboard manual 05.png|600px]]
3. Click on the instance name of your VM

If there are not available IP addresses, create a new one by clicking on the '+' sign and click on '''Allocate IP'''.

[[File:Ubuntu VM Creation Dashboard manual 06.png|600px]]
Enter the <code>console</code> tab and set a new administrator password.

=== VM Creation - VM Login ===
Finally, you can connect to your newly created VM:
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
ssh ubuntu@
Expected output:
<syntaxhighlight lang='text'>
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:UhyGZCGExlSN8aldY+PWtnYyxiG5XGh1YRpH1IeWsdU.
This key is not known by any other names
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
Enter passphrase for key '/home/sst-wam/.ssh/id_ed25519':
Welcome to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.15.0-39-generic x86_64)

Finally, you can connect to your newly created VM by using xfreerdp:

To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
<syntaxhighlight lang='bash'>
See "man sudo_root" for details.
xfreerdp --ignore-certificate --plugin cliprdr -g 1440x900 -u Administrator@PROD-RMA -p $password

Latest revision as of 14:37, 15 July 2024


This page describes the process of creating a virtual machine (VM) either via dashboard or command line interface (CLI).

The following manuals are laid out for Windows.

OpenStack CLI Installation

To use OpenStack CLI, you need to install the OpenStack CLI Client for your OS:

# Fedora
dnf install python3-openstackclient
# Debian / Ubuntu
apt install python3-openstackclient

The official installaton guide can be found on docs.openstack.org.

OpenStack client environment script (OpenRC file)

To increase efficiency of client operations, OpenStack supports simple client environment scripts also known as OpenRC files. These scripts typically contain common options for all clients, but also support unique options.

You may download such an OpenRC file from the dashboard.

After logging into the dashboard, click on your user name in the upper right corner and choose the menu option «OpenStack RC File v3» and save it the desired location on your local machine. As you can have multiple OpenRC files, we recommend to use a sub directory. For example openrc in your home directory.

OpenStack RC File v3.png

Source the OpenRC file specific to this project (use single quotation marks to avoid problems with spaces in the file name):

source ${HOME}/openrc/'Project Name-openrc.sh'

After you sourced the file, you need to enter a password:

Please enter your OpenStack Password for project Project Name as user user:

Check if you have access to the OpenStack API by listing the API endpoints:

openstack catalog list

Expected output:

| Name       | Type      | Endpoints                                                                                        |
| glance     | image     | duedingen-production                                                                             |
|            |           |   internal: https://glance.ctrl-int.os.stoney-cloud.com:9292                                     |
|            |           | duedingen-production                                                                             |
|            |           |   public: https://api.os.stoney-cloud.com:9292                                                   |
|            |           | duedingen-production                                                                             |
|            |           |   admin: https://glance.ctrl-int.os.stoney-cloud.com:9292                                        |
| cinderv2   | volumev2  | duedingen-production                                                                             |
|            |           |   internal: https://cinder.ctrl-int.os.stoney-cloud.com:8776/v2/616812eda14e44de89138f3377841187 |
|            |           | duedingen-production                                                                             |
|            |           |   admin: https://cinder.ctrl-int.os.stoney-cloud.com:8776/v2/616812eda14e44de89138f3377841187    |
|            |           | duedingen-production                                                                             |
|            |           |   public: https://api.os.stoney-cloud.com:8776/v2/616812eda14e44de89138f3377841187               |
|            |           |                                                                                                  |

VM Creation - One-Disk Setup

VM Creation - One-Disk Setup - Variables

We define bash variables so that in every command the same value is being used.

Another advantage of variables is, that the documentation is significantly easier, as another person could replicate the server if they know the variables that were set.

Set the following variables that we will use in later commands:

# Host name of the server.                 Example: hostname="sst-int-tmp-041"

# Display name of the server in OpenStack. Example: vmname="sst-int-tmp-041: debian test cli"

# Domain name.                             Example: domain="os.stoney-cloud.com"

We need to set the project_id variable to the project our previously sourced openrc file belongs to:

# List the projects of your OpenStack domain.
openstack project list

# Project ID of the project in which the VM will be created.
#   Example (stepping stone AG - Internal Systems Temporary): project_id="6fd0ccd8b5ae44d292c67f0d3e75ca20"

A flavour defines the CPU and RAM resources of the VM.

The flavour is in the following format: cXXmYYYY where XX is the amount of CPUs and YYYY the about of RAM:

# List all available flavors
openstack flavor list --column Name --column ID | tail -n+3 | head -n-1 | sort -k3 -t'|' | grep Windows

# Set the flavor ID, default: Standard Düdingen c001m0004 (719c82d4-df94-47fc-a7df-f18d5c6d3727).  
#    Example: flavor_id="719c82d4-df94-47fc-a7df-f18d5c6d3727" 

We will add our VM to the internal network of our project. This is the default network:

# List the networks of the current project
openstack network list --project ${project_id}

# Network ID, usually the ID for the network "internal".  
#    Example: network_id="919c2dde-6996-494a-86de-fc3b08248418"

For this example, we use the "SSH" and "default" security groups (firewall-rules), so that we can access our server via ssh:

# List the security groups of the current project and search for ssh and default
openstack security group list --project ${project_id} | egrep -i '(ssh|default)'

# We set the default security group ID "default" ("default" is required for outgoing traffic!):
#    Example: default_security_group_id="3f576bd2-11fe-47f3-806e-aaa219cff589" # default

# We set the "SSH World" security group ID: 
#    Example: ssh_security_group_id="8083a9f3-e6c0-4061-b4bb-eb0dd24a86ef"     # SSH World

VM Creation - One-Disk Setup - Disk creation

In OpenStack every Image has an ID.

To create a new VM, we need to create a disk first.

We can list the available images using the openstack-cli - we search for Ubuntu:

openstack image list | grep "Windows"

Expected output:

| 053129aa-48b5-40d2-8784-7215fcc62d48 | Windows Server 2012R2 import                                                 | active |
| 1004d7c3-da11-404b-bfa7-9f7df18f1966 | Windows Server 2016 Standard                                                 | active |
| a68f3f5f-db1f-4610-9931-cb3adf887b8d | Windows Server 2016 Standard (deprecated)                                    | active |
| 9868a8b8-4953-4d16-a078-ba7238fa0a1d | Windows Server 2019 Standard                                                 | active |
| 4c56a79b-a2f5-47be-9de0-ce808f5b77cc | Windows Server 2019 Standard - Private                                       | active |
| 3f9bfb18-a263-4e2e-9555-dea8d12bb6ae | Windows Server 2022 Standard (20230928): Primary disk /dev/vda (C:\)         | active |
| 93a888a4-abb7-408b-8976-969718a7e5a7 | Windows Server 2022 Standard (deprecated)                                    | active |

We set the ID of the image and the size of the disk as variables for later use.

# Set the Image ID used for the first volume (Windows Server 2022 Standard (20230928): Primary disk /dev/vda (C:\))

# Size for the first volume in GiB

Now we can create the volume using the variables we just set.

We can set volume_vda_id as the command returns the ID of the newly created disk:

    openstack volume create \
        --property os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id=${project_id} \
        --bootable \
        --size ${volume_size_vda} \
        --image ${vda_image_id} \
        --description "OS disk (/dev/vda) for ${hostname}." \
        --column id \
        --format value \
        "${hostname}: OS"
Set the variable ${volume_vda_id}.
Creates a new disk.
The disk belongs to the current project.
The disk can be bootable.
The size of the disk is ${volume_size_vda}.
The image of the disk is ${vda_image_id.
We set the description of the disk.
The id column will be printed out as output.
Only the value will be printed out as output.
Name of the disk.

We ask OpenStack for the status of the current disk.

If the disk has been successfully created, we can move on and create the VM:

openstack volume show \
    "${volume_vda_id}" \
    --column status \
    --format value

Expected output:


VM Creation - One-Disk Setup - VM creation

We can create the server using the openstack server create command:

    openstack server create \
        --property project_id=${project_id} \
        --flavor "${flavor_id}" \
        --nic "net-id=${network_id}" \
        --volume "${volume_vda_id}" \
        --security-group "${default_security_group_id}" \
        --security-group "${ssh_security_group_id}" \
        --column id \
        --format value \
We set the server_id variable to the OpenStack id of the server.
We create a new VM.
We set the project to ${project_id}.
We set the flavor to ${flavor_id}.
We set the nic to ${network_id}.
We set the volume to ${volume_vda_id}.
Use the security-group (firwall rule) ${default_security_group_id}.
Use the security-group (firwall rule) ${ssh_security_group_id}.
We use our previously generated clopud init script as user-data.
The id column will be printed out as output.
Only the value will be printed out as output.
We set the name of the VM.

Check the status of the newly created instance (should be ACTIVE)

openstack server show ${server_id} --column status

Expected Output:

| Field  | Value  |
| status | ACTIVE |

VM Creation - One-Disk Setup - VM Login

Log in to the stoney cloud dashboard with the credentials you have received from us.

Debian VM Creation Dashboard manual 01.png

1. Select the appropriate project from the drop down menu at the top left.

2. On the Project tab, open the Compute tab and click Instances category.

Introduction to the Dashboard 02.png

3. Click on the instance name of your VM

Introduction to the Dashboard 03.png

Enter the console tab and set a new administrator password.

Finally, you can connect to your newly created VM by using xfreerdp:

xfreerdp --ignore-certificate --plugin cliprdr -g 1440x900 -u Administrator@PROD-RMA -p $password

VM Creation - One-Disk Setup - Checks

To verify that the VM got set up correctly start PowerShell as Administrator and run these commands:

Check if the correct image was selected:

systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" /C:"OS Version"
OS Name:                   Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Standard                                                       
OS Version:                10.0.20348 N/A Build 20348

Check if the disks are mounted correctly:

Number Friendly Name Serial Number                    HealthStatus         OperationalStatus      Total Size Partition Style                                                                                                                    ------ ------------- -------------                    ------------         -----------------      ---------- ---------- 0      
Red Hat Vi... 1f4afc6e-be44-4c29-b                    Healthy              Online                 20 GB      MBR

Check if you selected the correct flavour:

(Get-CimInstance Win32_PhysicalMemory | Measure-Object -Property capacity -Sum).sum /1gb
(Get-CimInstance Win32_ComputerSystem).NumberOfLogicalProcessors

Login via Dashboard

Log in to the stoney cloud dashboard with the credentials you have received from us.

Debian VM Creation Dashboard manual 01.png

Launch Instance - Preperations

1. Select the appropriate project from the drop down menu at the top left.

3. On the Project tab, open the Compute tab and click Instances category.

4. Click Launch Instance.

Windows VM Creation Dashboard manual 02.png

5. A dialog box opens. Specify the values as follows:

  • Instance Name: Assign a name to the virtual machine.
  • Click Source tab and chose Image in Select Boot Source.
  • Type Windows in the search bar below and allocate the image 'Windows Server 2019 Standard' from the image list by clicking the arrow pointing up.

Windows Creation Dashboard manual 03.png

  • Click Flavour tab and allocate the desired Flavour (For example: Standard Düdingen c001m0002) from the list below by clicking the arrow pointing up.

Windows Creation Dashboard manual 04.png

  • Click Networks and allocate the network internal from the list below by clicking the arrow pointing up.

Windows Creation Dashboard manual 05.png

  • Click Security Groups and allocate the security group RDP World from the list below by clicking the arrow pointing up.

Windows Creation Dashboard manual 06.png

ClickLaunch Instance to create the VM. After no more than a minute the VM is created and listed in the Instances page. Bild einfügen

VM Login

Log in to the stoney cloud dashboard with the credentials you have received from us.

Debian VM Creation Dashboard manual 01.png

1. Select the appropriate project from the drop down menu at the top left.

2. On the Project tab, open the Compute tab and click Instances category.

Introduction to the Dashboard 02.png

3. Click on the instance name of your VM

Introduction to the Dashboard 03.png

Enter the console tab and set a new administrator password.

Finally, you can connect to your newly created VM by using xfreerdp:

xfreerdp --ignore-certificate --plugin cliprdr -g 1440x900 -u Administrator@PROD-RMA -p $password